Reproduction of: Rapidly measuring spatial accessibility of COVID-19 healthcare resources: a case study of Illinois, USA
Original study by Kang, J. Y., A. Michels, F. Lyu, Shaohua Wang, N. Agbodo, V. L. Freeman, and Shaowen Wang. 2020. Rapidly measuring spatial accessibility of COVID-19 healthcare resources: a case study of Illinois, USA. International Journal of Health Geographics 19 (1):1–17. DOI:10.1186/s12942-020-00229-x.
Reproduction Authors: Joe Holler, Derrick Burt, and Kufre Udoh With contributions from Peter Kedron, Drew An-Pham, the Spring 2021 Open Source GIScience class at Middlebury, and Andrey Cao.
Reproduction Materials Available at:
Created: 2021-06-01
Revised: 2023-11-02
Kang et al utilizes hospital, census, and traffic data to determine spatial accesssibility of COVID-19 healthcare resources in Illinois, USA. Using an enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA) method, the study examines hospitals throughout Illinois using catchment areas of 10, 20, and 30 minutes of driving. The measurement of ventilators and ICU beds were used for the hospital data, while the number of people aged over 50 and total COVID-19 cases were used to measure populations within the studied region. The study found an unequal distribution of COVID-19 healthcare resources throughout Illinois.
For the reanalysis/reproduction of the Kang et al. study, we will be adjusting and improving the speed limit information and the translation from hospital catchments into hexagons. Using the osmnx.speed function, we will improve the speed limit information by assigning road segments without speed limits with the appropriate speed limits for the highway segment type. These improvements can bolster the study's construct validity by representing a more accurate depiction of the research questions. To visualize the results, we will make figures (such as the accessibility map and the classified accessibility output) to compare the original figures to the results of the reproduction with improvements.
To perform the ESFCA method, three types of data are required, as follows: (1) road network, (2) population, and (3) hospital information. The road network can be obtained from the OpenStreetMap Python Library, called OSMNX. The population data is available on the American Community Survey. Lastly, hospital information is also publically available on the Homelanad Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data.
Import necessary libraries to run this model.
See environment.yml
for the library versions used for this analysis.
# Import modules
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import networkx as nx
import osmnx as ox
import re
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, Polygon
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
import multiprocessing as mp
import folium
import itertools
import os
import time
import warnings
import IPython
import requests
from IPython.display import display, clear_output
print('\n'.join(f'{m.__name__}=={m.__version__}' for m in globals().values() if getattr(m, '__version__', None)))
numpy==1.22.0 pandas==1.3.5 geopandas==0.10.2 networkx==2.6.3 osmnx==1.1.2 re==2.2.1 folium==0.12.1.post1 IPython==8.3.0 requests==2.27.1
Because we have restructured the repository for replication, we need to check our working directory and make necessary adjustments.
# Check working directory
# Use to set work directory properly
if os.path.basename(os.getcwd()) == 'code':
If you would like to use the data generated from the pre-processing scripts, use the following code:
covid_data = gpd.read_file('./data/raw/public/Pre-Processing/covid_pre-processed.shp')
atrisk_data = gpd.read_file('./data/raw/public/Pre-Processing/atrisk_pre-processed.shp')
# Read in at risk population data
atrisk_data = gpd.read_file('./data/raw/public/PopData/Illinois_Tract.shp')
GEOID | STATEFP | COUNTYFP | TRACTCE | NAMELSAD | Pop | Unnamed_ 0 | NAME | OverFifty | TotalPop | geometry | |
0 | 17091011700 | 17 | 091 | 011700 | Census Tract 117 | 3688 | 588 | Census Tract 117, Kankakee County, Illinois | 1135 | 3688 | POLYGON ((-87.88768 41.13594, -87.88764 41.136... |
1 | 17091011800 | 17 | 091 | 011800 | Census Tract 118 | 2623 | 220 | Census Tract 118, Kankakee County, Illinois | 950 | 2623 | POLYGON ((-87.89410 41.14388, -87.89400 41.143... |
2 | 17119400951 | 17 | 119 | 400951 | Census Tract 4009.51 | 5005 | 2285 | Census Tract 4009.51, Madison County, Illinois | 2481 | 5005 | POLYGON ((-90.11192 38.70281, -90.11128 38.703... |
3 | 17119400952 | 17 | 119 | 400952 | Census Tract 4009.52 | 3014 | 2299 | Census Tract 4009.52, Madison County, Illinois | 1221 | 3014 | POLYGON ((-90.09442 38.72031, -90.09360 38.720... |
4 | 17135957500 | 17 | 135 | 957500 | Census Tract 9575 | 2869 | 1026 | Census Tract 9575, Montgomery County, Illinois | 1171 | 2869 | POLYGON ((-89.70369 39.34803, -89.69928 39.348... |
# Read in covid case data
covid_data = gpd.read_file('./data/raw/public/PopData/Chicago_ZIPCODE.shp')
covid_data['cases'] = covid_data['cases']
ZCTA5CE10 | County | State | Join | ZONE | ZONENAME | FIPS | pop | cases | geometry | |
0 | 60660 | Cook County | IL | Cook County IL | IL_E | Illinois East | 1201 | 43242 | 78 | POLYGON ((-87.65049 41.99735, -87.65029 41.996... |
1 | 60640 | Cook County | IL | Cook County IL | IL_E | Illinois East | 1201 | 69715 | 117 | POLYGON ((-87.64645 41.97965, -87.64565 41.978... |
2 | 60614 | Cook County | IL | Cook County IL | IL_E | Illinois East | 1201 | 71308 | 134 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.67703 41.91845, -87.67705 ... |
3 | 60712 | Cook County | IL | Cook County IL | IL_E | Illinois East | 1201 | 12539 | 42 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.76181 42.00465, -87.76156 ... |
4 | 60076 | Cook County | IL | Cook County IL | IL_E | Illinois East | 1201 | 31867 | 114 | MULTIPOLYGON (((-87.74782 42.01540, -87.74526 ... |
Note that 999 is treated as a "NULL"/"NA" so these hospitals are filtered out. This data contains the number of ICU beds and ventilators at each hospital.
# Read in hospital data
hospitals = gpd.read_file('./data/raw/public/HospitalData/Chicago_Hospital_Info.shp')
FID | Hospital | City | ZIP_Code | X | Y | Total_Bed | Adult ICU | Total Vent | geometry | |
0 | 2 | Methodist Hospital of Chicago | Chicago | 60640 | -87.671079 | 41.972800 | 145 | 36 | 12 | MULTIPOINT (-87.67108 41.97280) |
1 | 4 | Advocate Christ Medical Center | Oak Lawn | 60453 | -87.732483 | 41.720281 | 785 | 196 | 64 | MULTIPOINT (-87.73248 41.72028) |
2 | 13 | Evanston Hospital | Evanston | 60201 | -87.683288 | 42.065393 | 354 | 89 | 29 | MULTIPOINT (-87.68329 42.06539) |
3 | 24 | AMITA Health Adventist Medical Center Hinsdale | Hinsdale | 60521 | -87.920116 | 41.805613 | 261 | 65 | 21 | MULTIPOINT (-87.92012 41.80561) |
4 | 25 | Holy Cross Hospital | Chicago | 60629 | -87.690841 | 41.770001 | 264 | 66 | 21 | MULTIPOINT (-87.69084 41.77000) |
# Plot hospital data
m = folium.Map(location=[41.85, -87.65], tiles='cartodbpositron', zoom_start=10)
for i in range(0, len(hospitals)):
location=[hospitals.iloc[i]['Y'], hospitals.iloc[i]['X']],
popup="{}{}\n{}{}\n{}{}".format('Hospital Name: ',hospitals.iloc[i]['Hospital'],
'ICU Beds: ',hospitals.iloc[i]['Adult ICU'],
'Ventilators: ', hospitals.iloc[i]['Total Vent']),
legend_name = 'Hospitals'
legend_html = '''<div style="position: fixed; width: 20%; heigh: auto;
bottom: 10px; left: 10px;
solid grey; z-index:9999; font-size:14px;
"> Legend<br>'''
# Read in and plot grid file for Chicago
grid_file = gpd.read_file('./data/raw/public/GridFile/Chicago_Grid.shp')
If Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml
does not already exist, this cell will query the road network from OpenStreetMap.
Each of the road network code blocks may take a few mintues to run.
# To create a new graph from OpenStreetMap, delete or rename data/raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml
# (if it exists), and set OSM to True
OSM = False
# if buffered street network is not saved, and OSM is preferred, # generate a new graph from OpenStreetMap and save it
if not os.path.exists("./data/raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml") and OSM:
print("Loading buffered Chicago road network from OpenStreetMap. Please wait... runtime may exceed 9min...", flush=True)
G = ox.graph_from_place('Chicago', network_type='drive', buffer_dist=24140.2)
print("Saving Chicago road network to raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml. Please wait...", flush=True)
ox.save_graphml(G, './data/raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml')
print("Data saved.")
# otherwise, if buffered street network is not saved, download graph from the OSF project
elif not os.path.exists("./data/raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml"):
print("Downloading buffered Chicago road network from OSF...", flush=True)
url = ''
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
print("Saving buffered Chicago road network to file...", flush=True)
open('./data/raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml', 'wb').write(r.content)
# if the buffered street network is already saved, load it
if os.path.exists("./data/raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml"):
print("Loading buffered Chicago road network from raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml. Please wait...", flush=True)
G = ox.load_graphml('./data/raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml')
print("Data loaded.")
print("Error: could not load the road network from file.")
Loading buffered Chicago road network from raw/private/Chicago_Network_Buffer.graphml. Please wait... Data loaded. CPU times: user 35.8 s, sys: 1.55 s, total: 37.4 s Wall time: 37.3 s
ox.plot_graph(G, node_size = 1, bgcolor = 'white', node_color = 'black', edge_color = "#333333", node_alpha = 0.5, edge_linewidth = 0.5)
CPU times: user 55.1 s, sys: 372 ms, total: 55.5 s Wall time: 55.3 s
(<Figure size 576x576 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot:>)
Display all the unique speed limit values and count how many network edges (road segments) have each value. We will compare this to our cleaned network later.
# Turn nodes and edges into geodataframes
nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(G, nodes=True, edges=True)
# Get unique counts of road segments for each speed limit
print(str(len(edges)) + " edges in graph")
# can we also visualize highways / roads with higher speed limits to check accuracy?
# the code above converts the graph into an edges geodataframe, which could theoretically be filtered
# by fast road segments and mapped, e.g. in folium
25 mph 4793 30 mph 3555 35 mph 3364 40 mph 2093 45 mph 1418 20 mph 1155 55 mph 614 60 mph 279 50 mph 191 40 79 15 mph 76 70 mph 71 65 mph 54 10 mph 38 [40 mph, 45 mph] 27 [30 mph, 35 mph] 26 45,30 24 [40 mph, 35 mph] 22 70 21 25 20 [55 mph, 45 mph] 16 25, east 14 [45 mph, 35 mph] 13 [30 mph, 25 mph] 10 [45 mph, 50 mph] 8 50 8 [40 mph, 30 mph] 7 [35 mph, 25 mph] 6 [55 mph, 60 mph] 5 20 4 [70 mph, 60 mph] 3 [65 mph, 60 mph] 3 [40 mph, 45 mph, 35 mph] 3 [70 mph, 65 mph] 2 [70 mph, 45 mph, 5 mph] 2 [40, 45 mph] 2 [35 mph, 50 mph] 2 35 2 [55 mph, 65 mph] 2 [40 mph, 50 mph] 2 [15 mph, 25 mph] 2 [40 mph, 35 mph, 25 mph] 2 [15 mph, 40 mph, 30 mph] 2 [20 mph, 25 mph] 2 [30 mph, 25, east] 2 [65 mph, 55 mph] 2 [20 mph, 35 mph] 2 [55 mph, 55] 2 55 2 [15 mph, 30 mph] 2 [45 mph, 30 mph] 2 [15 mph, 45 mph] 2 [55 mph, 45, east, 50 mph] 2 [20 mph, 30 mph] 1 [5 mph, 45 mph, 35 mph] 1 [55 mph, 35 mph] 1 [5 mph, 35 mph] 1 [55 mph, 50 mph] 1 Name: maxspeed, dtype: int64 384240 edges in graph CPU times: user 33.7 s, sys: 93.2 ms, total: 33.8 s Wall time: 33.7 s
osmid | highway | oneway | length | name | geometry | lanes | ref | bridge | maxspeed | access | service | tunnel | junction | width | area | |||
u | v | key | ||||||||||||||||
261095436 | 261095437 | 0 | 24067717 | residential | False | 46.873 | NaN | LINESTRING (-87.90237 42.10571, -87.90198 42.1... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
261095437 | 261095439 | 0 | 24067717 | residential | False | 46.317 | NaN | LINESTRING (-87.90198 42.10540, -87.90159 42.1... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
261095436 | 0 | 24067717 | residential | False | 46.873 | NaN | LINESTRING (-87.90198 42.10540, -87.90237 42.1... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
261109275 | 0 | 24069424 | residential | False | 34.892 | NaN | LINESTRING (-87.90198 42.10540, -87.90227 42.1... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
261109274 | 0 | 24069424 | residential | False | 47.866 | NaN | LINESTRING (-87.90198 42.10540, -87.90156 42.1... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
With help from Elise Chan and Alana Lutz, we will assign speed limits based on highway type rather than the original Kang et al. method.
residential 296481 secondary 30909 tertiary 29216 primary 19277 motorway_link 2322 unclassified 1840 motorway 1449 trunk 843 primary_link 833 secondary_link 356 living_street 238 trunk_link 157 tertiary_link 121 [residential, unclassified] 69 [tertiary, residential] 66 [secondary, primary] 15 [secondary, tertiary] 10 [motorway, motorway_link] 6 [tertiary, unclassified] 6 [motorway, trunk] 4 [residential, living_street] 4 [secondary, secondary_link] 3 busway 2 [motorway, primary] 2 [tertiary, motorway_link] 2 emergency_bay 2 [trunk, primary] 2 [tertiary, tertiary_link] 1 [trunk, motorway] 1 [primary, motorway_link] 1 [secondary, motorway_link] 1 [primary_link, residential] 1 Name: highway, dtype: int64
# add speed limits using osmnx.speed module
G = ox.speed.add_edge_speeds(G)
# add travel times using osmnx.speed module
G = ox.speed.add_edge_travel_times(G)
# Create point geometries for each node in the graph, to make constructing catchment area polygons easier
for node, data in G.nodes(data=True):
data['geometry']=Point(data['x'], data['y'])
# Modify code to react to processor dropdown (got rid of file_import function)
CPU times: user 42 s, sys: 468 ms, total: 42.5 s Wall time: 42.4 s
## Get unique counts for each road network
# Turn nodes and edges in geodataframes
nodes, edges = ox.graph_to_gdfs(G, nodes=True, edges=True)
# Check that osmnx added speeds to graph
39.2 291570 48.3 29823 56.7 26355 60.1 14993 40.2 5625 56.3 3364 86.4 2253 64.4 2093 32.2 1890 42.9 1828 72.4 1418 69.8 654 88.5 614 90.6 565 96.6 279 80.5 191 51.0 118 40.0 80 24.1 76 112.7 71 104.6 54 16.1 38 25.0 34 68.0 29 52.0 26 45.3 24 60.0 24 70.0 21 64.0 18 80.0 16 44.0 12 56.0 9 76.0 8 50.0 8 48.0 8 36.0 6 92.0 5 96.0 4 52.4 4 71.0 4 20.0 4 104.0 3 32.0 3 72.0 3 45.0 3 100.0 3 55.0 2 108.0 2 35.0 2 53.0 2 84.0 1 Name: speed_kph, dtype: int64 CPU times: user 33.1 s, sys: 146 ms, total: 33.2 s Wall time: 33.2 s
def hospital_setting(hospitals, G):
# Create an empty column
# Append the neaerest osm column with each hospitals neaerest osm node
for i in tqdm(hospitals.index, desc="Find the nearest network node from hospitals", position=0):
hospitals['nearest_osm'][i] = ox.get_nearest_node(G, [hospitals['Y'][i], hospitals['X'][i]], method='euclidean') # find the nearest node from hospital location
print ('hospital setting is done')
Converts geodata to centroids
def pop_centroid (pop_data, pop_type):
pop_data = pop_data.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'})
# If pop is selected in dropdown, select at risk pop where population is greater than 0
if pop_type =="pop":
# If covid is selected in dropdown, select where covid cases are greater than 0
if pop_type =="covid":
pop_cent = pop_data.centroid # it make the polygon to the point without any other information
# Convert to gdf
pop_centroid = gpd.GeoDataFrame()
i = 0
for point in tqdm(pop_cent, desc='Pop Centroid File Setting', position=0):
if pop_type== "pop":
pop = pop_data.iloc[i]['OverFifty']
code = pop_data.iloc[i]['GEOID']
if pop_type =="covid":
pop = pop_data.iloc[i]['cases']
code = pop_data.iloc[i].ZCTA5CE10
pop_centroid = pop_centroid.append({'code':code,'pop': pop,'geometry': point}, ignore_index=True)
i = i+1
Function written by Joe Holler + Derrick Burt. It is a more efficient way to calculate distance-weighted catchment areas for each hospital. The algorithm runs quicker than the original one ("calculate_catchment_area"). It first creates a dictionary (with a node and its corresponding drive time from the hospital) of all nodes within a 30 minute drive time (using single_cource_dijkstra_path_length function). From here, two more dictionaries are constructed by querying the original one. From this dictionaries, single part convex hulls are created for each drive time interval and appended into a single list (one list with 3 polygon geometries). Within the list, the polygons are differenced from each other to produce three catchment areas.
def dijkstra_cca_polygons(G, nearest_osm, distances, distance_unit = "travel_time"):
Before running: must assign point geometries to street nodes
# create point geometries for the entire graph
for node, data in G.nodes(data=True):
data['geometry']=Point(data['x'], data['y'])
# create dictionary of nearest nodes
nearest_nodes_30 = nx.single_source_dijkstra_path_length(G, nearest_osm, distances[2], distance_unit) # creating the largest graph from which 10 and 20 minute drive times can be extracted from
# extract values within 20 and 10 (respectively) minutes drive times
nearest_nodes_20 = dict()
nearest_nodes_10 = dict()
for key, value in nearest_nodes_30.items():
if value <= distances[1]:
nearest_nodes_20[key] = value
if value <= distances[0]:
nearest_nodes_10[key] = value
# 30 MIN
# If the graph already has a geometry attribute with point data,
# this line will create a GeoPandas GeoDataFrame from the nearest_nodes_30 dictionary
points_30 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(gpd.GeoSeries(nx.get_node_attributes(G.subgraph(nearest_nodes_30), 'geometry')))
# This line converts the nearest_nodes_30 dictionary into a Pandas data frame and joins it to points
# left_index=True and right_index=True are options for merge() to join on the index values
points_30 = points_30.merge(pd.Series(nearest_nodes_30).to_frame(), left_index=True, right_index=True)
# Re-name the columns and set the geodataframe geometry to the geometry column
points_30 = points_30.rename(columns={'0_x':'geometry','0_y':'z'}).set_geometry('geometry')
# Create a convex hull polygon from the points
polygon_30 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(gpd.GeoSeries(points_30.unary_union.convex_hull))
polygon_30 = polygon_30.rename(columns={0:'geometry'}).set_geometry('geometry')
# 20 MIN
# Select nodes less than or equal to 20
points_20 = points_30.query("z <= 1200")
# Create a convex hull polygon from the points
polygon_20 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(gpd.GeoSeries(points_20.unary_union.convex_hull))
polygon_20 = polygon_20.rename(columns={0:'geometry'}).set_geometry('geometry')
# 10 MIN
# Select nodes less than or equal to 10
points_10 = points_30.query("z <= 600")
# Create a convex hull polygon from the points
polygon_10 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(gpd.GeoSeries(points_10.unary_union.convex_hull))
polygon_10 = polygon_10.rename(columns={0:'geometry'}).set_geometry('geometry')
# Create empty list and append polygons
polygons = []
# Append
# Clip the overlapping distance ploygons (create two donuts + hole)
for i in reversed(range(1, len(distances))):
polygons[i] = gpd.overlay(polygons[i], polygons[i-1], how="difference")
return polygons
Measures the effect of a single hospital on the surrounding area. (Uses dijkstra_cca_polygons
def hospital_measure_acc (_thread_id, hospital, pop_data, distances, weights):
# Create polygons
polygons = dijkstra_cca_polygons(G, hospital['nearest_osm'], distances)
# Calculate accessibility measurements
num_pops = []
for j in pop_data.index:
point = pop_data['geometry'][j]
# Multiply polygons by weights
for k in range(len(polygons)):
if len(polygons[k]) > 0: # To exclude the weirdo (convex hull is not polygon)
if (point.within(polygons[k].iloc[0]["geometry"])):
total_pop = sum(num_pops)
for i in range(len(distances)):
polygons[i]['hospital_icu_beds'] = float(hospital['Adult ICU'])/polygons[i]['total_pop'] # proportion of # of beds over pops in 10 mins
polygons[i]['hospital_vents'] = float(hospital['Total Vent'])/polygons[i]['total_pop'] # proportion of # of beds over pops in 10 mins
polygons[i].crs = { 'init' : 'epsg:4326'}
polygons[i] = polygons[i].to_crs({'init':'epsg:32616'})
print('{:.0f}'.format(_thread_id), end=" ", flush=True)
return(_thread_id, [ polygon.copy(deep=True) for polygon in polygons ])
Parallel implementation of accessibility measurement.
def hospital_acc_unpacker(args):
return hospital_measure_acc(*args)
def measure_acc_par (hospitals, pop_data, network, distances, weights, num_proc = 4):
catchments = []
for distance in distances:
pool = mp.Pool(processes = num_proc)
hospital_list = [ hospitals.iloc[i] for i in range(len(hospitals)) ]
print("Calculating", len(hospital_list), "hospital catchments...\ncompleted number:", end=" ")
results =, zip(range(len(hospital_list)), hospital_list, itertools.repeat(pop_data), itertools.repeat(distances), itertools.repeat(weights)))
results = [ r[1] for r in results ]
for i in range(len(results)):
for j in range(len(distances)):
catchments[j] = catchments[j].append(results[i][j], sort=False)
return catchments
Calculates and aggregates accessibility statistics for one catchment on our grid file.
from collections import Counter
def overlap_calc(_id, poly, grid_file, weight, service_type):
value_dict = Counter()
if type(poly.iloc[0][service_type])!=type(None):
value = float(poly[service_type])*weight
intersect = gpd.overlay(grid_file, poly, how='intersection')
intersect['overlapped']= intersect.area
intersect['percent'] = intersect['overlapped']/intersect['area']
intersect_region = intersect['id']
for intersect_id in intersect_region:
value_dict[intersect_id] +=value
value_dict[intersect_id] = value
return(_id, value_dict)
def overlap_calc_unpacker(args):
return overlap_calc(*args)
Calculates how all catchment areas overlap with and affect the accessibility of each grid in our grid file.
def overlapping_function (grid_file, catchments, service_type, weights, num_proc = 4):
pool = mp.Pool(processes = num_proc)
acc_list = []
for i in range(len(catchments)):
acc_list.extend([ catchments[i][j:j+1] for j in range(len(catchments[i])) ])
acc_weights = []
for i in range(len(catchments)):
acc_weights.extend( [weights[i]]*len(catchments[i]) )
results =, zip(range(len(acc_list)), acc_list, itertools.repeat(grid_file), acc_weights, itertools.repeat(service_type)))
results = [ r[1] for r in results ]
service_values = results[0]
for result in results[1:]:
for intersect_id, value in service_values.items():
grid_file.loc[grid_file['id']==intersect_id, service_type] += value
Normalizes our result (Geodataframe) for a given resource (res).
def normalization (result, res):
return result
Imports all files we need to run our code and pulls the Illinois network from OSMNX if it is not present (will take a while).
NOTE: even if we calculate accessibility for just Chicago, we want to use the Illinois network (or at least we should not use the Chicago network) because using the Chicago network will result in hospitals near but outside of Chicago having an infinite distance (unreachable because roads do not extend past Chicago).
def output_map(output_grid, base_map, hospitals, resource):
ax=output_grid.plot(column=resource, cmap='PuBuGn',figsize=(18,12), legend=True, zorder=1)
# Next two lines set bounds for our x- and y-axes because it looks like there's a weird
# Point at the bottom left of the map that's messing up our frame (Maja)
ax.set_xlim([314000, 370000])
ax.set_ylim([540000, 616000])
base_map.plot(ax=ax, facecolor="none", edgecolor='gray', lw=0.1)
hospitals.plot(ax=ax, markersize=10, zorder=1, c='blue')
Below you can customize the input of the model:
import ipywidgets
from IPython.display import display
processor_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=[("1", 1), ("2", 2), ("3", 3), ("4", 4)],
value = 4, description = "Processor: ")
population_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=[("Population at Risk", "pop"), ("COVID-19 Patients", "covid") ],
value = "pop", description = "Population: ")
resource_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=[("ICU Beds", "hospital_icu_beds"), ("Ventilators", "hospital_vents") ],
value = "hospital_icu_beds", description = "Resource: ")
hospital_dropdown = ipywidgets.Dropdown( options=[("All hospitals", "hospitals"), ("Subset", "hospital_subset") ],
value = "hospitals", description = "Hospital:")
Dropdown(description='Processor: ', index=3, options=(('1', 1), ('2', 2), ('3', 3), ('4', 4)), value=4)
Dropdown(description='Population: ', options=(('Population at Risk', 'pop'), ('COVID-19 Patients', 'covid')), …
Dropdown(description='Resource: ', options=(('ICU Beds', 'hospital_icu_beds'), ('Ventilators', 'hospital_vents…
Dropdown(description='Hospital:', options=(('All hospitals', 'hospitals'), ('Subset', 'hospital_subset')), val…
if population_dropdown.value == "pop":
pop_data = pop_centroid(atrisk_data, population_dropdown.value)
elif population_dropdown.value == "covid":
pop_data = pop_centroid(covid_data, population_dropdown.value)
distances=[600,1200,1800] # Distances in travel time
weights=[1.0, 0.68, 0.22] # Weights where weights[0] is applied to distances[0]
# Other weighting options representing different distance decays
# weights1, weights2, weights3 = [1.0, 0.42, 0.09], [1.0, 0.75, 0.5], [1.0, 0.5, 0.1]
# it is surprising how long this function takes just to calculate centroids.
# why not do it with the geopandas/pandas functions rather than iterating through every item?
Pop Centroid File Setting: 100%|██████████| 3121/3121 [03:23<00:00, 15.30it/s]
If you have already run this code and changed the Hospital selection, rerun the Load Hospital Data block.
# Set hospitals according to hospital dropdown
if hospital_dropdown.value == "hospital_subset":
hospitals = hospital_setting(hospitals[:1], G)
hospitals = hospital_setting(hospitals, G)
resources = ["hospital_icu_beds", "hospital_vents"] # resources
# this is also slower than it needs to be; if network nodes and hospitals are both
# geopandas data frames, it should be possible to do a much faster spatial join rather than iterating through every hospital
Find the nearest network node from hospitals: 100%|██████████| 66/66 [01:28<00:00, 1.34s/it]
hospital setting is done
# Create point geometries for entire graph
# what is the pupose of the following two lines? Can this be deleted?
# for node, data in G.nodes(data=True):
# data['geometry']=Point(data['x'], data['y'])
# which hospital to visualize?
fighosp = 4
# Create catchment for hospital 0
poly = dijkstra_cca_polygons(G, hospitals['nearest_osm'][fighosp], distances)
# Reproject polygons
for i in range(len(poly)):
poly[i].crs = { 'init' : 'epsg:4326'}
poly[i] = poly[i].to_crs({'init':'epsg:32616'})
# Reproject hospitals
# Possible to map from the hospitals data rather than creating hospital_subset?
hospital_subset = hospitals.iloc[[fighosp]].to_crs(epsg=32616)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
min_10 = poly[0].plot(ax=ax, color="royalblue", label="10 min drive")
min_20 = poly[1].plot(ax=ax, color="cornflowerblue", label="20 min drive")
min_30 = poly[2].plot(ax=ax, color="lightsteelblue", label="30 min drive")
hospital_subset.plot(ax=ax, color="red", legend=True, label = "hospital")
# Add legend
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fabdbd13610>
[ geometry 0 POLYGON ((443322.063 4615428.578, 438387.446 4..., geometry 0 POLYGON ((430166.403 4612556.599, 426354.176 4..., geometry 0 POLYGON ((413026.900 4616136.325, 413066.153 4...]
catchments = measure_acc_par(hospitals, pop_data, G, distances, weights, num_proc=processor_dropdown.value)
Calculating 66 hospital catchments... completed number: 5 15 0 10 6 1 16 11 2 7 12 17 3 8 18 13 4 9 19 14 20 25 30 35 21 31 26 36 22 27 32 37 23 28 33 38 24 29 34 39 40 45 55 50 41 46 56 51 42 47 57 52 43 48 58 53 44 59 49 54 60 65 61 62 63 64 CPU times: user 2.18 s, sys: 568 ms, total: 2.75 s Wall time: 2min 15s
for j in range(len(catchments)):
catchments[j] = catchments[j][catchments[j][resource_dropdown.value]!=float('inf')]
result=overlapping_function(grid_file, catchments, resource_dropdown.value, weights, num_proc=processor_dropdown.value)
# add weight field to each catchment polygon
# for i in range(len(weights)):
# catchments[i]['weight'] = weights[i]
# combine the three sets of catchment polygons into one geodataframe
# geocatchments = pd.concat([catchments[0], catchments[1], catchments[2]])
# geocatchments
CPU times: user 6.11 s, sys: 484 ms, total: 6.6 s Wall time: 17.6 s
result = normalization (result, resource_dropdown.value)
CPU times: user 2.13 ms, sys: 2 µs, total: 2.14 ms Wall time: 1.98 ms
left | top | right | bottom | id | area | geometry | hospital_icu_beds | |
0 | 440843.416087 | 4.638515e+06 | 441420.766356 | 4.638015e+06 | 4158 | 216661.173 | POLYGON ((440843.416 4638265.403, 440987.754 4... | 0.903373 |
1 | 440843.416087 | 4.638015e+06 | 441420.766356 | 4.637515e+06 | 4159 | 216661.168 | POLYGON ((440843.416 4637765.403, 440987.754 4... | 0.929646 |
2 | 440843.416087 | 4.639515e+06 | 441420.766356 | 4.639015e+06 | 4156 | 216661.169 | POLYGON ((440843.416 4639265.403, 440987.754 4... | 0.929863 |
3 | 440843.416087 | 4.639015e+06 | 441420.766356 | 4.638515e+06 | 4157 | 216661.171 | POLYGON ((440843.416 4638765.403, 440987.754 4... | 0.911290 |
4 | 440843.416087 | 4.640515e+06 | 441420.766356 | 4.640015e+06 | 4154 | 216661.171 | POLYGON ((440843.416 4640265.403, 440987.754 4... | 0.953767 |
hospitals = hospitals.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:26971'})
result = result.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:26971'})
output_map(result, pop_data, hospitals, resource_dropdown.value)
CPU times: user 1.89 s, sys: 284 ms, total: 2.17 s Wall time: 1.77 s
In order to compare to the original study, we added a new classified accessibility output figure.
def output_map_classified(output_grid, hospitals, resource):
label="Acc Measure",
# Next two lines set bounds for our x- and y-axes because it looks like there's a weird
# Point at the bottom left of the map that's messing up our frame (Maja)
ax.set_xlim([325000, 370000])
ax.set_ylim([550000, 600000])
output_map_classified(result, hospitals, resource_dropdown.value)
# save as image with file name including the resource value, population value, and buffered / not buffered
plt.savefig('./results/figures/reproduction/reanalysis_{}_{}_classified.png'.format(population_dropdown.value, resource_dropdown.value))
This reanalysis/reproduction of the Kang et al. (2020) study implements 'djikstra_cca_polygons,' a function written by Professor Joseph Holler and Derrick Burt. This function is a modification of the 'calculate_catchment_area' from the original study. In order for the following code to work, we also adjusted the function 'hospital_measure_acc" (which measures the effect of a single hospital on the surrounding area) to use the djikstra_cca_polygons. With these revisions and modifications, the reanalysis/reproduction is more efficient compared to the original Kang et al. study method of calculating catchment area.
In the original Kang et al. study, edges without assigned speed limits were grouped and included with 35 mph edges. Since there were over 366,000 edges without assigned speed limits, a majority of the edges were automatically assigned 35 mph speed limits. As the area we are observing (Chicago metro) is made up of both highways, residential areas, and other road types, this assumption could effect the validity and accuracy of the study.
In order to improve the speed limits, we implemented speed limits based upon 'highway type' which includes residential, secondary, tertiary, primary, motorway, etc. By assigning speed limits based on highway type, we have a more accurate sense of speed limits compared to the overall assumption of 35 mph. This improves the accuracy of the study.
Lastly, we replicated the original study's figures: the accessibility map and the classified accessibility output. For our replicated figures, we ran the model under the following conditions (processor: 4, population: population at risk, resource: ICU beds). These replications showcase how our implemented revisions affect the analysis of hospital accessiblity. Compared to figures from the original study (code from '02-COVID-19Acc-Original.ipynb), we found that the zone with higher accessibility shrank with the new modifications (the green featured in the accessibility map and the dark blue in the classified output map). This suggests that the overall assumption of 35 mph might be higher than the average of speed limit of specific regions (particularly residential areas).
This reanalysis/reproduction of the Kang et al. (2020) study focused on improving the code and method efficiency with the implementation of the djikstra_cca_polygons) as well as the accuracy of the study (with the speed limit modifications). Compared to the original Kang et al. (2020) study, the improvements showcased a shrunken area for the highest levels of accessibility, indicating that the original study may be overestimating the accessibility of certain regions throughout the Chicago metropolitan area. These results suggests the original study may require revisions to its methods for greater accuracy and validity.
Luo, W., & Qi, Y. (2009). An enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA) method for measuring spatial accessibility to primary care physicians. Health & place, 15(4), 1100-1107.